
High Volume Merchant Account

High Volume Merchant Accounts
Taylor Stika
July 21, 2022

A high volume merchant account allows you to process significant funds through your payment provider. Merchant accounts all have a limit when it comes to volume. When they reach that dollar threshold, you have to open a new account or increase the limit on your current one.

As customers purchase goods or services through your ecommerce or retail store, you’ll get closer to your merchant account volume. This is positive news for anyone who wants to see their business grow. And as a merchant, it also means you gain more leverage with your payment processor.

How Does A High Volume Merchant Account Work?

A high volume merchant account has an increased cap on the dollar amount you can process through it. When you initially apply for a merchant account, your bank will give you a limit based on your current volume. Each bank allocates a certain amount of volume to a merchant, so when you exceed your allotted limits, they’ll want to revisit your account.

Higher volume over time means your merchant account has less risk. As your transaction volume grows and your account’s reputation improves over time, you’ll gain more leverage to negotiate fees. If you’re about to increase, make sure to ask about lowering your processing fees.

Increase Merchant Account Volume

Many companies experience seasonal shifts in customer purchases which makes for unsteady processing volume. To counter this, talk with your merchant account provider about increasing your payment processing limits before holidays or expected payment surges.

As customers make more transactions through your website, you may want to look into other payment solutions like fraud protection, and chargeback prevention. These tools can help ensure you don’t have any other issues that your bank may take notice of.


Chargeback Thresholds

Chargebacks are a hindrance to many businesses in the high risk payments space. For example, some merchants who have a continuity billing merchant account have higher chargeback rates. Customers who sign up for monthly billing and cancel it mid-service may initiate a chargeback through the bank to return their payment.

Excessive chargebacks or even high levels of friendly fraud such as frequent returns are preventable with the right tools. As a result, there are many different ways to reduce your chargeback rates or increase your chargeback limits on those detrimental transactions.

High Volume Transactions

There are two types of high volume transactions in payment processing. The first is if you have a high ticket value per item sold. For example, if you sell expensive jewelry online and each ring is around $5,000, then every purchase is a high-ticket value transaction. Multiple purchases of this type can create a surge in your merchant account volume .

The second type of high volume transaction is when there are multiple payments happening quickly. Oftentimes, small purchases in rapid succession may constitute this sort of high volume. Merchants are charged a fee for every transaction so it’s imperative your merchant account is set up to handle the most common forms of payment you’ll receive.

Microtransactions and Batching

A microtransaction is a small purchase often made in a video game or application. The transaction could only be for a few pennies and is relatively small to both the customer and merchant. As microtransactions repeat, they add up. This type of payment style is a common model in phone app video games.

From a payment processing standpoint, it’s costly to process each transaction individually so they are done in batches. Batching is when multiple microtransactions are added together and processed all at once. This happens in both dollar amounts or when a certain amount of time is reached like monthly billing.

Best High Volume Merchant Account

The best high volume merchant account allows you to process well over your current amount so you can run your business. Top payment processors will work with you and build a custom merchant account with volume based on your revenue projections.

Providers like Zen Payments have top-tier underwriting teams that help you get the right volume for your account. They also cater to your business vertical especially if it’s a high risk industry. If you’re looking for a high risk high volume merchant account, reach out to us today for information on how we can help you get approved fast.

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Taylor Stika is the CEO and Founder of Zen Payments. With a background in the payment processing industry starting in 2015, Taylor has extensive experience in managing and optimizing payment systems. Under his leadership, Zen Payments has grown and developed into a reputable provider of high and low-risk payment.

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