Travel agents sell high ticket items and require custom high risk travel merchant services for their business. In addition, there is a high level of cancellations and chargebacks in the industry. As a result, many travel companies face difficulties with their merchant account provider.
Travel booking consists of many different transactions in the scope of payment processing.. Beyond this, booking, travel, and entertainment are all different transactions that occur in the process.
High Risk Travel Agent Merchant Account
Certain industries have their own type of merchant services like a travel agent merchant account. These services are part of a wide range of tools that help you run your travel business. Many are located within the high risk payment gateway . Also known as a digital terminal, your travel payment gateway is the payment tool that helps you manage transactions.
Travel agents need to be well-aware of the Terms and Conditions their merchant account enforces. The most common issue high risk travel merchants face is chargebacks. For example, if customers cancel their trip and don’t receive a complete refund, they may submit a chargeback through their bank to withdraw the payment.
Common High Risk Travel Merchant Services
Here are some of the most popular merchant services for high risk travel merchants:

How Does A Travel Agent Work?
First, an agent presents many options for their customers’ vacation destination and events. This may include a cruise, flight, or entertainment. As an online vendor, bundled services are often pre-made. This gives potential vacation goers the option of viewing many different ideas based on their time and price preferences.
The tricky part for a merchant is making the purchase of those bundled packages after a customer checks out. If you’re acting as an agent to travel companies, you’ll be held accountable for the purchases you make through your business. This means you’ll want some kind of insurance from the customer’s end in order to guarantee reservations.
Payment Gateway for Travel Merchants
Located in the backend of the website, a payment gateway for high risk travel merchants is the tool that sends funds across accounts. More than that, it’s the location where you monitor all of the key information in order to double check who has paid and what additional features they have such as travel insurance or recurring billing for yearly trips.
Customers interact with a travel payment gateway at the end of their shopping journey. At checkout, their information is shared with the acquiring bank where your merchant account is located.
Credit card processors provide different versions of a gateway. Each integrates with a number of shopping carts like Shopify , 3DCart and WooCommerce .
What Is A Travel Payment Gateway?
Beyond the UE aspect of the gateway is the merchant interface. This comes equipped with many tools such as recurring billing options, reporting, and transaction history. A robust gateway provides everything you need to manage where your revenue is generated. It also gives you the ability to create forecasts on prospective new business.
The gateway is a hub of applications that you can manage in your POS terminal or online app. Each gateway is different, and not all are equal. Find one that has low rates so you can save money per transaction. Additionally, seek out a gateway that provides all of the services you’ll need to reduce fraud, upsell, and even spread marketing content.